Ceol le Chéile Choir of Ages closed the Donegal Bealtaine Festival 2022 in the Balor Arts Centre, Ballybofey to a full capacity audience.
The atmosphere was described as electric with choir members elated as it was their first live public performance since lockdown, having spent the two years meeting and practicing on Zoom.
Ceol le Chéile started in 2018, with renowned choral director Ms. Veronica McCarron, who participated in Britain’s Got Talent in 2016. It is part of the Donegal Age Friendly programme, supported by Donegal County Council and the HSE, who fund the programme and ATU, who provide a lecture hall for weekly practice.
The performance was dedicated to the memory of Susan McBrearty, a valued choir member who passed away last October. A collection for Donegal Hospice was taken up at the event and Kathleen Bonner, choir co-ordinator, thanked everyone for their generosity, with over €1000 raised.