The weekly Raphoe community notes have just been published.
Raphoe FRC Website
Check out our new website for all the supports and service available within the Family Resource Centre.
Annual General Meeting
The AGM of Raphoe Family Resource Centre will take place on the 27th April at 7PM.
S.T.A.R.T Project
Would you like to talk to someone about your concerns around drugs/alcohol?
Free, confidential – non-judgemental service providing up to date information and practical supports, including CBT, Motivational Interviewing, Mindfulness practices, Brief Solution Focus Therapy and the Smart Recovery Principles.
Drop in Group/Individuals every Monday 10am-12pm in the Raphoe Family Resource Centre.
Letterkenny C.D.P is a community Development Project providing a Community Response to Alcohol/Drug misuse throughout Co. Donegal.
We provide non-judgemental support guidance and education to drug/alcohol users, their families and the community. Contact our Outreach worker for the Finn Valley area, Karen Gallen on 087 388 5080.
Kids Arts and Crafts Club
Arts and crafts for primary school students continues every Tuesday from 5pm – 6pm in the Raphoe Family Resource Centre. Cost is €2. For more information contact Marie via call/text/WhatsApp on 0873641503 or email on
Programme Facilitators
We are looking to add to our list of programme facilitators particularly for children and young people in areas such as music, yoga, crafts and messy play.
Please get in touch via email or WhatsApp!
SafeTALK training is a 3hr workshop that prepares individuals to recognise and engage with people who may be having thoughts of suicide and how to connect them to suicide first aid resource.
SafeTALK training will be in the Suile Hall, The Diamond, Raphoe on Tuesday the 10th of May from 7pm-10pm.
If you would like to book a place please give us a call on 0873641503/0749145796 or email
Breakout Raphoe
Breakout every Thursday from 4 – 6PM in the Family Resource Centre.
We are delighted to welcome new and existing members to our new Raphoe group.
A safe place for LGBTIQ+ young people and their friends. To book contact /Pearl Johnston 0860776813.
Raphoe Family Resource Centre offering a safe space on alternate Thursday nights for all LGBTIQ+ young people and their friends!
Little Smiles with Big Dreams Baby & Toddler Group
Baby and toddlers are now back running every Wednesday morning in the Suile Hall from 10:30am to 11:30am.
Light snacks will be provided for the kids and a cup of tea for the adults. Cost is €2 per family. There are no space restrictions in place. Everyone is welcome.
Raphoe Walking Group
Raphoe Walking Group meets every Thursday morning at 10.30am, here in the FRC. Come along and join the group for a walk and a cuppa!!
Raphoe women’s Group
Raphoe women’s Group meeting every second Monday night, if you would like to join us for a chat please contact Laura on 0873350658 or email
Family Support
As a parent or guardian, parenting is one of the most rewarding things you will ever do, however the Family Resource Centre recognises at times life throws up challenges and these can be overwhelming.
Some examples of the support we can offer; making routines, establishing boundaries and dealing with challenging behaviours
The Family Resource Centre can help through listening ear, parenting programmes, one to one support, and a drop-in clinic to offer support on issues that are affecting home life.
We also provide sign posting or referrals to other services. For any further information please call Laura our family support community development worker on 08733350658.
Seniors Alert Scheme
Raphoe Family Resource Centre is registered under Pobal’s Senior Alert Scheme to provide personal alarms to those over 65 years living alone for significant periods of time during the day, or is a carer to someone else in their household.
The purpose of the scheme is to enable older persons of limited means to continue to live securely in their own homes with confidence, independence and peace of mind providing them with a free personal monitored alarm which can be worn as a pendant or around their wrist like a watch.
If you feel you or someone you know would benefit from this scheme please contact us on (074) 9145796 or 0873641503 for more information or to make an application.
Helping Hands Scheme
Do you live alone or are no longer in a position, due to age or disability, to carry out odd jobs?
Raphoe Family Resource Centre, supported by DLDC Tus Scheme, has a helping hands project where odd jobs can be carried out such as grass cutting, path clearing, tidy ups, painting etc.
Only outdoor work is permitted. If you would like to find out more please give us a call on 0749145796/0873641503