North West Simon Community are calling on all RIAI Architects to get involved and support the RIAI Simon Open Door 2022 from Wednesday, 4 May until Saturday, 14 May 2022.
Architects are asked to donate their time and expertise for free in return for a €95 donation to the Simon Communities. Every cent raised goes directly to the Simon Community and their work avoiding homelessness, solving housing issues and providing emergency accomodation for homeless individuals.
The RIAI Simon Open Door initiative is a collaboration between the Simon Communities and the Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland (RIAI). If you are considering renovating, building or retrofitting your home to be more energy efficient, book a consultation with a Registered RIAI Architect.
In return for a €95 donation, homeowners receive an hour-long consultation with an RIAI Registered Architect to discuss building, renovating or retrofitting their home.
For further information, please visit: