The deadline is fast-approaching for registration for Donegal Sports Partnership’s Leadership Programme “Beyond 20X20”.
The eight-week programme has been developed to support females already involved in or interested in getting involved in sport at a level that will suit their needs. Donegal Sports Partnership’s aim is to equip female club volunteers in becoming more effective and efficient in their role, while creating invaluable experiences for those involved in the programme. The programme also aims to enhance personal skills in leadership such as confidence, communication and resilience.
The application deadline is 12 noon on Friday, March 18th. Click here to register.
Maggie Farrelly, Education & Training Coordinator with Donegal Sports Partnership, says the programme can assist females to develop their personal strengths and leadership qualities.
“The programme is open to females aged 16 and over with a passion, commitment, and a genuine interest in sport at all levels with a view to developing a concept of ‘Sport for Life’. Participants are encouraged to apply from all sports, and from all levels – from those that have a current role in their club to those with no experience in administration, coaching or officiating who want to get involved,” Ms Farrelly adds.
Places will be offered via an application process. As the course is heavily subsidised through Sport Ireland’s Dormant Accounts, Donegal Sports Partnership is offering it at €25 per participant. The application deadline is 12 noon on Friday, March 18th.
To register your expression of interest for this programme click on the link below: