The mandatory wearing of face masks has been dropped from today, marking a significant change to Ireland’s Covid-19 restrictions.
Face masks will now only be advised on public transport and in healthcare settings.
Mask rules have also been lifted in schools, as well as measures such as pods, staggered breaks, and physical distancing.
Changes also come into place for the Covid-19 testing system, with PCR tests only recommended for over 55s and people deemed high-risk, immunocompromised or those who case for someone who is immunocompromised. All other people who become symptomatic are advised that they do not need to test, but they should self-isolate until 48 hours after their symptoms resolve.
People with a confirmed Covid-19 infection are advised to isolate for seven days and wear a Medical grade or FFP2 for 10 days.
Close contact rules now advise people that they do not need to get a test if they are a close contact and are not symptomatic, but they should self-isolate if symptoms develop. Healthcare workers who are identified as a household close contact should do repeat antigen testing, unless they have recovered from COVID-19 in the previous 3 months.