A Donegal mum is making a renewed appeal for help to fund her baby girl’s spina bifida treatment in Hungary.
Claire Mc Daid from Drumkeen and her partner Jay’s little girl TJ was born with severe spina bifida meningocele, a permanently disabling birth defect. TJ has had a difficult start to life but, now aged 16 months, she has survived against the odds and shows promising signs of movement. Her family has hope that she can learn to walk with the right treatment and have secured a place for her at the Peto Institute in Budapest. The costs of surgery and treatment are estimated at €100,000.
A community fundraising campaign has been ongoing since last autumn to support TJ’s journey, with generous donations coming in from Donegal, Dublin and across the country.
There is added urgency this month as Claire gets closer to their first appointment in Budapest, which they hope will be in July.
Claire said: “Our Little Princess deserves this. If anyone wants to organise any fundraising please contact me or any family member. Big or small, all the help is needed to get TJ to Budapest in a few months. Thanks to everyone who has helped and donated so far really means a lot for our little angel to get the chance to walk and she will, little warrior.
“The Peto Institute Budapest only accepts children they know and can see has the ability to walk and move to some extent so we have hope and she will.”
Visit the main fundraising page at: https://www.gofundme.com/f/life-changing-treatment-for-t-j/
Follow TJ’s journey at: Princess T.j Needham fundraising