There were a number of Donegal men and women yesterday among the 148 newly sworn members of An Garda Síochána.
The members commenced their Garda training in May 2021, during the Covid-19 pandemic and have undertaken a blend of on-line learning, on-site learning in the Garda College, Templemore, and experiential learning in training Garda stations.
These trainees will now take on operational responsibilities.
Of the new recruits, 16 will be stationed in the north west, with a small expected to be allocated to Donegal stations.
One of those who passed out yesterday was Naomh Muire Rosses senior goalkeeper, Declan Mac A Bháird (pictured below).

New Garda, Declan Mac a Bhaird. Pic: Naomh Muire (Rosses) GAA Club.
Commissioner Drew Harris said these new Gardaí were willing to come forward to pursue a career in An Garda Síochána at a critical time during a global pandemic.
“And, very quickly, they adjusted to a model of hybrid learning. So from the very outset they have shown their ability and commitment to protecting the public,” he said.
“Our new Gardaí will help implement community policing initiatives, crime detection and prevention, and supporting the vulnerable, particularly during the on-going pandemic.
“It is very welcome that 27% of the Gardaí attested are female. We are already above the European average for our level of female Gardaí and we want to increase this further in the coming years.”
Along with the new Gardaí, there are a further 235 currently in training.
“The force will also shortly launch a recruitment campaign with 800 recruit Gardaí to commence training this year. In addition, we are continuing to reassign Gardaí from administrative duties to operational duties.”