A young Donegal farmer has been nominated as a finalist in the Farming for Nature Awards.
Cathal Mooney, from Ardara, runs Heather Hill Farm in Dunkineely.
He has just finished his 3rd season farming regeneratively.
His natural farming efforts have led him to be selected as a Farming For Nature Ambassador. He is now a finalist in the national public vote awards, with voting closing tonight (Friday at midnight). Click HERE to vote.
The awards take place in Kinavara this Saturday afternoon.
Cathal works with nature, 100% chemical free, producing quality products in a bio diverse setting. His systems mimic nature, respecting the animals and building on top soil through the natural cycles of life.
Watch here:
Cathal is passionate about a new holistic approach to farming that benefits nature, the farmer and the consumer. He sells direct to the customer cutting out the middle man meaning the farmer makes an honest living for his hard work and dedication and the customer can trust how and where the food is produced. This is a new business model for farmers.
Cathal grew up on a conventional farm which has triggered his passionate to make farming a respectable career again and to teach other young farmers so they too can make a respectful living from their land.
You can vote for Cathal by following this link https://www.farmingfornature.ie/awards/voting/