There were emotional scenes at Crossroads, Killygordon yesterday as the community bid farewell to Joe Carlin, a man who gave so much of himself to all aspects of life in the area.
Joe’s coffin was carried the short distance from the family home to the adjacent St. Patrick’s Church by his four brothers and two sons as a large crowd gathered along the route to say farewell whilst maintaining social distancing.
Chief Celebrant Fr. Patsy Arkinson, P.P. spoke of the many achievements of Joe in his life. He excelled in all sports, from hurling, gaelic football, soccer to cycling and kayaking.
He was a fitness fanatic in every sense of the word said Fr. Arkinson. He gave a lot of time to coaching underage teams.
He was a keen painter and painted a beautiful portrait of St. Patrick’s Church. He also spoke of his I.T. skills having worked for L.Y.I.T. for many years.
He spoke of the amazing good work Joe did locally with St. Vincent de Paul helping those in need but he was very discreet and quiet about it. He done so much good behind the scenes that few know about it.
Fr. Patsy spoke of Joe’s great determination and will to live despite been struck down with terminal illness almost four years ago.
Joe always stayed positive and was thankful for his short 54 years, he even spoke of recent tragedies where people died in their twenties and thirties, he thanked God that he made it to his 50’s, he was unselfish in every sense of the word.
Fr. Patsy ended his Homily with the message that was so true of Joe – Never Ever Give Up on Life or on God!
Joe was buried in the adjoining Churchyard after Requiem Mass. May be rest in peace.