Glenties woman Aoife McDonnell is well-known throughout Ireland for her dazzling displays as gaelic footballer. While she may not be in the current Donegal squad, her love of the sport – and all sports – remains undiminished. The brainy Naomh Conaill woman has a degree in Sports Science and a Masters in Business, runs her own travel and fitness businesses and seems to spend most of her time boasting about the delights of Donegal to anyone who will listen. Here she talks about her ‘My Donegal.’
What is your favourite place in Donegal and why?
Lough Anna in Glenties or Narin Beach- something very special about those places and off the beaten track!
If you could change one thing about Donegal what would it be?
From a business point of view- we’re too isolated from the rest of the country so I’d change the infrastructure.. in every other respect, not one thing!
How have you coped with Covid?
I’ve coped OK, I’m fairly adaptable and always try to make the best out of every situation. As my business, Atlantic Way Experience is based on travel, I actually set up a second business- Aoife Mac Fitness. This one is about health and fitness and something I’m absolutely passionate about anyway. So instead of focusing on all the things I was losing during the pandemic, I turned my attention to something new!
Who is the one person that you look up to and why?
My mum, Teresa. The best person I know hands down. She is the most caring and selfless human and has brains to burn. The number one person to get advice from.
What has been Donegal’s proudest moment in recent years?
Recently, I think it was 2018, Donegal won the Ulster Championship in Ladies, Minor ladies, Men and Hurling. That was an amazing achievement.
Who is Donegal’s greatest ambassador around the world and why?
Our musicians- Altan and Maire Brennan, Enya, Such a unique and captivating sound, one can really feel Donegal in their music and they put the county on the map. On an international sporting stage, Mark English, Chloe Magee and Seamus Coleman are great ambassadors.
Who is your favourite Donegal sportsperson of all time?
Tough one!! There’s too many. I mean as somebody that loves sport, I appreciate the crazy talent across the board- Gaelic football, soccer, athletics, boxing, badminton etc.. One talented county! Packie Bonner was always a favourite when I was growing up.
What is your favourite Donegal saying or expression?
May you be in heaven a full half-hour before the divil knows you’re dead!
What is the biggest challenge facing the people of Donegal today?
Covid is definitely the most in your face one obviously. Apart from that, a lack of opportunity for young people and the fact that we’re still not respected on a national scale. Still the forgotten county.Plenty of people working hard to try and change that.
What is your favourite food that you associate with Donegal?
Boxty- could literally eat it til the cows come home! My mum and my aunt Bernie still make great scones of Boxty.
What is your favourite Donegal restaurant?
I love Ali’s in Glenties. I get it at least once a week!
What has been the biggest compliment you’ve ever received?
In sports- after an U16 match I was approached and told that I was like poetry in motion. Looking back it was a lovely thing to say to a kid. It captured my imagination and always stayed with me. That has always been my favourite way to play any sport- creative, free and unrestricted- so it was nice to hear at least one person appreciated it as much as I enjoyed doing it! Also, a reminder that even saying one positive thing to somebody can stay with them forever- and it doesn’t cost anything!
Is there anything that really annoys you about Donegal or its people?
No- something came out on social media a while back- I’ve never met anybody from Donegal who was not absolutely delighted to be from the place. That’s me!
Do you have a favourite local band?
I absolutely love Altan and Maire Brennan. Listen to their music when I run. Keeps the soul happy!
If you had a million euro to improve something in Donegal what would it be?
I would set up more recreational activities, especially for young people. If you don’t play football or you’re not into sports, there is a definite lack of opportunities to socialise, learn new skills etc. Especially in the covid aftermath, I would love to see more quality services in place.
Where’s the most unusual place you’ve logged on to Donegal Daily?
When I went to the World Cup in Brazil. Can safely say that won’t happen again!
Is there anything about Donegal that you are very proud of?
The people and the culture, the passion for what we do and the amount of talent that has come out of the place. Poets, musicians, Irish dancers, Sportspeople.. the list goes on! For a rural country place, we definitely hold our own.
What is the most rewarding thing about what you do?
With the Atlantic Way Experience business, I love to introduce people to the West Coast of Ireland and show people from all walks of life the amazing things on offer in our unique part of the world. Giving people a trip of a lifetime and seeing them going home happy, with their heart full of Ireland, is very rewarding.
Aoife Mac Fitness is extremely rewarding. People can transform their lives through exercise and nutrition. Even getting a message or photo from somebody that has worked hard and achieved their goals- just makes my day! It is a special thing, knowing that you’ve helped people hit their goals and improve the quality of their life.
If you found a magic wand that allowed you to grant one wish, what would it be?
Health and Happiness for all! (That includes Covid disappearing overnight!).
What is your favourite Donegal-made product?
Hannah McGuiness jewellery. Absolutely beautiful.