Funding of €378,000 has been allocated to improve access to three popular beaches in Donegal this summer.
Murvagh Beach, Drumnatinny in Falcarragh and Bundoran Tullan Strand/ Rougey Walk will all see new safety measures carried out as soon as possible.
The ‘Additional Outdoor Infrastructure Fund’ will also cover the cost of bicycle parking in various locations in Donegal.
In Bundoran, Donegal County Council plans to widen the existing footpath by a further 2metres between the car park and Rougey Walk. Some vehicles, when parked, overhang the existing footpath which prevents pedestrians from using it.
At Murvagh beach outside Donegal Town, the proposal is to resurfance the road and provide 3 traffic lay-bys as well as numerous pedestrian/cyclist refuge points along the length of the road. Two bike stands will also been provided along the route.
Works at Drumnatinny will allow the safer passage of pedestrians and cyclists on the narrow road to the beach.
The measures, proposed by Donegal County Council, are to be being introduced as quickly as possible to support the gradual re-opening of society in a safe manner.
The Additional Outdoor Infrastructure Fund is being administered by the National Transport Authority (NTA) as part of its overall national funding programme.