Sheephaven SAC welcomed a number of new members to the club last week as a result of the introductory Try a Snorkels held recently.
The hard work put in by Hugo Mc Fadden in organising these sessions has resulted in a number of participants looking to take their snorkelling adventure a bit further.
The Wednesday evening and Sunday morning snorkels have been very popular and hopefully will continue to be so for the coming months.
Another club member who has been very busy is Eillen Coll, who continues to fund raise for Sheephaven Search and Recovery though the clubs 50/50 Lottery with the first draw due on Sunday the 20th June.
Eileen and her colleagues Ethel Mc Granaghan and Caroline Mc Gee have done a tremendous amount of work to develop the clubs Facebook account to facilitate the on-line participation of the clubs 50/50 lottery and everyone in the Sheephaven SAC really appreciate what they have done.
Sheephaven diving also continues at quite a pace, with boat dives last Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday, all were top class dives to sites in the vicinity of Horn Head.
In particular the Sunday morning dive was to a location at the furthest extent of Skate Bay that took the divers into deeper water than they had been recently.
The maximum depth at this site is 25 metres where boulders and rock gives way to sand and it allowed for a 40 minute dive, subject to the mandatory no-decompression rules that govern such a dive.
In-water conditions were nearly perfect, with a horizontal vicinity of well over ten metres and a temperature warm enough at 11 degrees Celsius sufficient to encourage the divers to hang up the dry-suits for a few months and revert back to freedom of semi-drys.
There was plenty of large fish life to be seen, some Lobsters, Spider Crabs and Nudibranchs and then an abundance of different Sponges, Anemones, Hydroids and the occasional Potato Crisp Bryozoan – all indicators of excellent water quality.