Castletown National School in St Johnston has proudly obtained their first flag Amber Flag.
The school community had a proud day yesterday raising the flag, which signifies healthy, inclusive environments that support mental well-being.
The Amber Flag Co-ordinator in Castletown N.S, Mrs C. McFarland, received an email from Pieta House in May to inform her that the application was successful and they had been awarded their first Amber Flag. The school community, in particular the Amber Flag Committee, were delighted to receive the wonderful news that the application was successful.
Celebrations were restricted due to the Covid-19 pandemic, but it didn’t dampen our spirits in raising their first Amber Flag!
The Amber Flag Committee gave a speech, the whole school got active by having a dance party and the Amber Flag was raised. The middle room had won a Facebook competition for popcorn trays from Eclipse Cinema, Lifford, therefore, Castletown N.S. decided to treat the whole school to popcorn from Eclipse and a movie day. The perfect way to celebrate ‘Well-Being Wednesday’!
The Pieta Amber Flag is a well-being initiative designed to help schools promote positive mental health. The school held a virtual Well-Being Week in February. Pupils have been learning about ‘Five Ways to Well-Being’ this year (Connect, Take Notice, Get Active, Keep Learning and Give).