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One of Donegal’s best known environmental companies has warned the public about the dangers of ignoring the necessity of looking after septic tanks.
DS Environmental has warned that septic tanks can be one of the forgotten hazards at your home. These deep tanks buried under your garden can become a death trap if anyone falls in.
Warning signs to get you thinking about the safety of your tank:
- Age of Septic Tank
- Garden has overflow of water
- Placement of objects over the tank
- Garden looks sunken
To WIN a FREE Septic Tank Clean please book your Septic Tank clean between the 1st of April and the 31st of May 2021 to qualify. Call us on 074 9139522 or email info@dsenvironmental.ie.
Health Warning
Do your children always complain of tummy upsets , do you have pets that run about your garden and then play through your house, do your children play in the garden. Beware of the HAZARDS of a poorly managed septic tank or puraflosystem.
If your tank is not emptied regularly the sludge levels rise and can overflow into your percolation area and may block, this in turn will leave you, your children , your pets at risk.
Beware raw sewage can be very harmful. Our operatives are vaccinated against obtaining disease that you can get from raw sewage.
We regularly get complaints from unfinished housing estates where raw sewage is running out of manholes and tanks overflowing due to electricity bills not being paid etc.
Your septic tank is a vital piece of environmental equipment . While it is not something you might like to think about everyday , we DO think about it everyday !
It’s our business and where we have unrivaled expertise. It is vitally important that you adhere to maintenance guidelines and have it desludged at least annually.
Poorly managed septic tanks or Puraflo systems can result in damage to the environment and pose risks to human health.
Septic Tanks and your Responsibilities as a homeowner:
Donegal County Council are in the process of carrying out inspections of wastewater treatment systems and septic tanks and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.
Donegal County Council would like to offer the following advice to all owners of septic tanks in the county:
As septic tanks accept waste from toilets and contaminated or grey water from showers, sinks, washing machines and dishwashers, it will contain a wide range of harmful bacteria and germs,as well as household chemicals and waste materials. You have a duty of care to ensure that it works properly so as to ensure that it does not pose a threat to human or animal health or to the environment. The effluent from a septic tank should not be allowed to discharge to any watercourse, butshould be filtered through the soil in a percolation or soak pit. It is necessary to remove the solids by desludging the tank every couple of years or more depending on usage.
Roof Water and surface water from paved areas should not be allowed to enter your septic tank.
Remember to register your wastewater treatment system online at www.protectourwater.ie, if you haven’t already done so.
Further information on the procedure & Septic Tanks in general is available online at www.donegalcoco.ie or by contacting Environment Department , Donegal County Council Tel : 0749153900
To be in with a chance to win a free Septic Tank clean (From 1st of April to 31st of May) give DS Environmental a call today on 0749139522 to ensure the safety of you and your family.
We will do our best to help answer any questions you may have concerning your septic tank. We offer a full inspection service at the time of emptying the tank to make sure your tank is working as efficiently as possible. Putting your mind at peace.
Please Tel : 0749139522
Email: info@dsenviromental.ie
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DSEnvironmentalServices/