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Health-conscious folk are reaching for So Good Juice more and more – so much that the brand has been taken to the next level.
What’s so good about So Good Juice?
This local, young and innovative family-run healthy juice business was founded by Gerard Curran, based on the Donegal/Derry border. Their products include original 100% Wheatgrass, Ginger and Apple Cider Vinegar, Turmeric and Beetroot Shots.
Demand for their wholesome juices has grown enormously in the past year, as people become more aware of the importance of good health and sought out quality locally produced foods and drinks.

Here, Gerard tells us the secret behind the growth of this award-winning homegrown brand:
From a “family and friends” style approach to product development we quickly identified a niche market and product with global researched health benefits, that had a strong demand base in the North-West of Ireland.
The boom in outdoor sporting activities that emanated from the events promoted through Wellfest & Thrive festivals showcased to us that there was a desire for healthy living. We saw a space in the market to launch our health shot products that could compliment this new lifestyle change.
After sourcing and achieving food standards safety we began growing, producing supplies of Wheatgrass, Turmeric, Beetroot & Ginger at our farm in Donegal which is now our ‘juicery’.

The demand across the whole northwest area has given us the confidence needed to take the brand to the next level. We work closely with many existing local businesses who stock our products on their shelves. We have developed excellent working relationships with these businesses and are well known for providing great service with a quality product to back it up.
We are continuing to develop and expand our product range and we are currently working on the launch of a brand new range of health shots, each offering specific health related benefits.

So Good Juice Health Shots www.sogoodjuice.com
Our products have also recently been awarded ‘Health & Fitness’ Products of the year and we are also registered as a ‘Guaranteed Irish’ brand.
If you think you would like to sample our products or need any more information please let us know and we will do our best. Our website is: www.sogoodjuice.com