A public consultation has opened on a proposed variation to the County Donegal Development Plan 2018-2024.
Donegal County Council has prepared a Proposed Variation to the County Donegal Development Plan 2018-2024 (the CDP 2018-2024) in respect of the TEN-T Priority Route Improvement Project, Donegal (TEN-T PRIPD).
The TEN-T PRIPD is a proposed major strategic roads project and consists of and prioritizes three Sections of the TEN-T road network for improvement namely:
- Section 1: N15/N13 Ballybofey/Stranorlar Urban Region.
- Section 2: N56/N13 Letterkenny to Manorcunningham.
- Section 3: N14 Manorcunningham to Lifford/Strabane/A5 Link.
The Council is progressing the TEN-T PRIPD in accordance with Transport Infrastructure Ireland Guidelines. Phase 1 (Scheme Feasibility) and Phase 2 (Option Selection) have been completed, inclusive of the identification of a preferred route corridor for each section. The Proposed Variation will provide the necessary spatial and policy planning framework to facilitate the project through the statutory approval process.
The Proposed Variation specifically identifies and protects the new preferred route corridors for the TEN-T PRIPD and removes the corresponding historic route corridors, provides the necessary strategic support for the project and ensures that the CDP 2018-2024 is compatible with the project. An Environmental Report which describes likely significant effects of the Proposed Variation on the environment, a Natura Impact Report which identifies the implications of the Proposed Variation on Natura 2000 sites, and a Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Report of the Proposed Variation, have also been prepared.
The Council has now published the Proposed Variation and the abovementioned reports for Public Consultation and are inviting submissions and observations in relation to same. The public consultation runs from Friday the 19th of February to Friday the 19th of March 2021.
The Proposed Variation, an Introduction document, the above reports and an interactive map of the Preferred Route Corridors can be inspected on the Council’s website at: https://www.donegalcoco.ie/services/planning/planningpolicy/tentcdpvariation/ In addition hard copies are available by post upon request by contacting the Central Planning Unit at 074 9153900 or emailing tentcdpvariation@donegalcoco.ie.
Written submissions or observations with respect to the Proposed Variation and above mentioned Reports may be made to the planning authority in the following ways:
· By email to: tentcdpvariation@donegalcoco.ie
· By post addressed to: TEN-T CDP Variation, Central Planning Unit, Donegal County Council, County House, Lifford, Co. Donegal, F93 Y622.
Please note that the deadline for submissions is on or before 16:00hrs on Friday the 19th of March 2021.
Written submissions/observations made to the Planning Authority within the above period will be taken into consideration before the making of the variation. Please note that submissions (redacted for privacy purposes) will be published on the Council’s website.