Members of the Men’s Shed Carn project have warmly welcomed €500 funding for tablets to help them stay connected during the pandemic.
The funding was donated from the Members Development Fund 2020 on behalf of Councillor Martin Mc Dermott. With the purchase of six tablets, members have been able to stay in touch and participate in a host of Zoom activities organised by the group.
Men’s Shed Carn committee member Davy McLaughlin (Bill) said: “We’re really delighted to have received €500 funding from the Members Development Fund 2020 on behalf of Councillor Martin Mc Dermott to purchase six tablets which is helping our members to stay connected with each other during these very difficult and uncertain times.
“This support is particularly important due to the restrictions placed on a lot of our members due to Covid-19 where almost overnight they have been isolated and asked to remain in their homes for extended periods of time.
“The six tablets we have been able to buy and distribute to our members are not only helping us to combat social isolation during the pandemic but also to continue with hosting activities like our Monday Music Nights – now via ‘Zoom’ as well as group chats and sharing ideas and keeping in touch.”
Deborah Shiels, Men’s Shed Carn office manager said: “We have been so delighted with the response to this initiative and even members of over 80 years of age have rose to the challenge and have actively engaged with the technology and used it to keep in touch with their friends in the shed. It has been a truly inspiring initiative and has meant so much to the men.
“In all honesty, we simply could not have done this without these tablets and without the help and support forthcoming from Councillor Martin McDermott.”
For further information on the activities, courses and projects on offer at Men’s Shed Carn or details about registering as a new member please follow us on Facebook (Mens Shed Carn), contact Deborah on 083 842 2088 or email