Students awaiting their Leaving Cert results across Donegal and the rest of the country today will receive the highest grades on record.
The results of this year’s Calculated Grades process are now available to students from 60,000 students from the class of 2020 online.
This year’s calculated grades process has produced grades that are on average 4.4% higher than those of last year, according to aggregate data published by the Department of Education.
Across Higher Level papers, the proportion of H1 grades awarded is up by 3% compared to last year, from 5.9% of the total to 8.9%.
The proportion of H1 and H2 grades awarded is up by 5%, from one in five grades (20.9%) to one in four (25.9%).
At Ordinary Level, the number of O1 and O2 grades awarded has increased by 3.5%.
The increase in top grades awarded varies across subjects, with one of the smallest rises occurring in Higher Level English, an increase of just 1.3%.
At the other end of the scale, 8.5% of students of Higher Level Art will receive a H1, compared to just 3.2% last year.
Almost 30% of those who studied Higher Applied Maths will receive a H1, compared to just 16.5% last year, while almost 42% of the 48 students who studied Latin will receive a H1 compared to just 18.5% last year.