SHEEPHAVEN divers have been able to get back into the water last week with the relaxation in Covid 19 travel restrictions.
The first order of business was to conduct one of the bi-annual mandatory Search and Recovery Training sessions, which is essential for the divers to remain on the national list of qualified S&R divers and as result be insured to provide the essential community service.
Sheephaven S&R Unit leader and National Co-Ordinator John Joe Rowland divided the divers into two units and then again sub-divided them into pods that would be considered to be Covid 19 acceptable.
One unit went out from Woodquarter near Cranford, while the other unit was based at Mageragallon Pier, near Derrybeg.
In both cases the training involved practicing the swim-line technique, which involves close co-ordination between the divers underwater and the snorkelers controlling the line on the surface.
Other club diving last week included a two dive session at St Johns Point, which allows for shore access to an excellent dive site of depth and marine biodiversity.
The week was finished out with another shore dive on Sunday morning at Portnablagh, where a combination of divers and snorkelers got the benefit of a beautiful morning, with calm seas and sunny skies.
In-water conditions were wonderful, with excellent visibility in the vicinity of the pier, while the water temperature was a very cosy 13 degrees celsius, making for a great return to the water after the unfortunate absence of club activities over the last few months.