The mandatory wearing of facemasks in public took a step closer but the Government has yet to make an announcement on the issue.
It is still up to individuals to decide to wear masks when shopping or out in public.
However, Chief Medical Officer Dr Tony Holohan has now called on the public for a redoubling of efforts if people are out and about and on public transport.
Dr Holohan said he would like to see a higher level of compliance in relation to the wearing of face masks or coverings in instances where it can be difficult to maintain social distance.
He praised the “fantastic efforts” of the Irish people in complying with the public health guidance to date.
But he told RTE the message has not got through about the importance of wearing a face covering in certain settings.
A television and radio advertising campaign is set to get under way to highlight the importance of wearing face coverings where social distancing is difficult.
It will also advise people about the washing and ironing of masks to keep them in good condition.
There are no plans to provide them for free to the public and Dr Holohan encouraged people to make them at home.
He stressed that the masks do not offer protection on their own and cough etiquette and hand washing should also continue.