Four Donegal chefs who have been laid-off as a result of the coronavirus are getting back into the kitchen to serve their local community.
As restaurants close their doors, a team of chefs in Donegal Town are using their time to launch a special project called Chef Aid Donegal Town.
The project sees the chefs providing a hot meal for any elderly or vulnerable person in the community who is in isolation during the covid-19 emergency.
The first deliveries went out this evening in a dedicated community garda vehicle.
Community Gardaí join the ChefAid launch today in Donegal Town
“The elderly and vulnerable people have been told to cocoon as much as they can so this is our way of helping them stay home,” said Jo Roarty, one of the Chef Aid team members.
Tim Twomey, Adrian McDaid, Sinead McTernan and Jo Roarty are all part of this charitable culinary team. They have been offered the use of the Manhattan Restaurant kitchen for the duration of the crisis thanks to building owners Tom and Corinne Lyons.
Over 20 meals were delivered today and the team expects the orders to grow in the week to come. They are also hoping that other chefs can adopt the project and form their own pods in their towns.
The recipe is simple – but funding is essential to keep the project going. Seed money totalling €1,200 has already been pledged by Quay West Restaurant, Donegal Town and Supervalu, Donegal Town. Supervalu, Donegal Town and other food suppliers in town such as EWS Butchers have also pledged support. A GoFundMe page is open for anyone who would like to support the cause at:
Food donated to ChefAid Donegal
Food donated to ChefAid Donegal
Community Gardaí are happy to play their part in deliveries, where possible, as part of their increased community engagement activities during the Covid-19 outbreak.
“An Garda Síochána in Donegal Town are delighted to assist in this worthwhile initiative primarily aimed at supporting the vulnerable in our community coupled with positive community engagement and community support,” Chief Supt Terry McGinn said.
Anyone who feels that they qualify for the support of Chef Aid is asked to contact 0873752555 and talk with one of the volunteers.