Students from Loreto Secondary School Letterkenny are collecting second-hand foot gear (shorts, jerseys etc), boots and equipment (footballs) and shipping them out to their sister Loreto school in Sudan.
Witness The Fitness is all about increasing fitness for the youth both locally and internationally.
The students will be collecting in the following places from Friday 7th to Sunday 9th of February:
- St Michael’s GAA
- Termon GAA
- St Eunan’s GAA
- Glenswilly GAA
- Lifford
- Loreto secondary school
- And in various other locations around town.
The girls will also be collecting money in Letterkenny on the weekend of the 14th to the 16th of February, so even if you cannot donate equipment you could help by donating to fund transportation, buying footballs and equipment etc.
The students need as much donations as they can get to give these girls the best chances to get more involved in sport.