Donegal’s school secretaries are calling for the inequality in their work conditions to be sorted “once and for all.”
A rally was staged outside Minister for Education Joe McHugh’s constituency office in Letterkenny today as part of a national strike by Fórsa trade union members.
Union members from Donegal and Sligo, supporters, politicians and other school union representatives attended the demonstration as secretaries called for pay parity and equal terms and conditions in their roles.
Representatives from Forsa at Minister for Education, Joe Mc Hugh’s office in Letterkenny. Photo Brian McDaid.
Speakers at the Forsa protest at Minister for Education, Joe McHugh’s Office in Lettereknny were from left, Amanda Kelly, Ann McGee President , Richie Carruthers, and Joan Nic Ghadigh, Kathleen Doherty and Barry Cunningham,
The dispute is centred on secretaries’ two-tier pay system, that leaves most school secretaries earning salaries as low as €12,500 a year.
Approximately 90% of school secretaries who are not employed directly by the Department of Education & Skills have irregular, short-term contracts that force them to sign on during the summer holidays and other school breaks.
Local Fórsa spokesperson Kathleen O’Doherty, who has worked as a secretary for over two decades, said the strike and rally has one aim – to give staff access to public service status.
“We are still in hope that we will get recognised what we have been fighting for for so long,” Ms O’Doherty told Donegal Daily.
“We are not going to sit down until we get equality and parity with our colleagues of the 1978-79 scheme, which have access to public service status and that’s all we want.”
Kathleen O’Doherty Donegal representative for Forsa addressing the protest at Joe Mc Hugh office in Letterkenny. Photo Brian McDaid.
Staff from Illistrin National School Letterkenny supporting the Forsa strike
Commenting on the location of the rally in Letterkenny, Ms O’Doherty said that the Education Minister has shown his support for the Fórsa #SupportOurSecretaries campaign, but they are tired of waiting for action.
“To date, Minister Joe McHugh has always been supportive. I do think if he could just wave a magic wand he would sort it but obviously it’s not that easy,” she said.
“But our patience is wearing out.
“Nice talking and kind words are lovely, but for how many years do we have to listen to it?”
Ms O’Doherty added: “It’s up to the political system now to put pressure on the government. They have supported us recently in October, where all politicians supported us in an Oireachtas debate and they said that this issue should be sorted. All we want is for this to be sorted now.”
Fórsa represents more than half of the estimated 2,000 school secretaries employed directly by their school’s board of management and paid from the school’s ancillary grant.
Protesters at the Joe Mc Hugh’s Office in Letterkenny
Anne O Donnell, Margaret McGeehan and Mary Cannon.