Deputy Pat the Cope Gallagher has called on the Government and the Department of Communications to give priority to the border counties including Donegal during the broadband roll-out.
He said these are areas which are within or between existing fibre areas and rural areas that are urgently requiring broadband services.
Over 32,000 households and premises are without high speed Broadband at present in Co Donegal, and the Department estimates the costs of connecting these premises at €128 million.
Deputy Gallagher said what is most concerning is that it is projected to take 7 years to complete this plan as currently proposed added Pat the Cope.
He said “It is essential that rural areas are given priority, and especially in the context of the looming threat of Brexit, and the massive pressure border areas will be under with the ongoing uncertainty.
“I am calling on the Government to immediately put in place a comprehensive schedule of works, so that each area will know exactly when they are to be connected to the national broadband network.
“This plan has the potential to solve all over fibre broadband needs and current problems, but unless it is properly managed it will drag on and areas will be left waiting for years before they actually get connected.”
He added that border counties will be under serious pressure in the coming years with the ongoing Brexit uncertainty , that will directly impact business, employers and the broader community, it is therefore imperative that our competitiveness and business & employment supports are fully in place, and nowadays high speed Broadband is critical piece of such infrastructure.
He said “Donegal needs to be actively and positively discriminated towards, this will involve the Donegal voice been heard at Government level, this needs for Donegal to be put first on the list – priority status, today as the plan is launched nearly every county is mentioned bar Donegal, even though it got the fourth highest level of premises awaiting connection for broadband.
“Plans alone will not deliver broadband to Donegal on time, what is needed in this instance is a real commitment to make areas in Donegal the priority they deserve , that priority status needs to be underpinned by the Government, otherwise areas in Donegal could potentially be left without broadband for up to another 7 years.”