Letterkenny Institute of Technology’s (LYIT) Open Day on Thursday 21st November 2019 is an ideal opportunity for anyone considering LYIT to find out more about courses, accommodation and student experience.
Everyone is welcome to the open event, which will be packed with activity from 9.30 am – 2.00 pm on Thursday.
Are you completing the Leaving Certificate in 2020 or do you know someone completing the Leaving Certificate in 2020? Are you interested in returning to education? Are you keen to find out more about programmes available at LYIT?
Then LYIT Open Day 2019 is a must to find out about degree courses in areas such as Business, Design, Computing, Tourism, Law, Culinary Arts, Sport, Engineering, Health Studies, Nursing and Science.
LYIT Student Ambassador Darian Laughlin, Schools Engagement Officer Fiona Kelly and Student Ambassador John Tochukwu Ugwu
By visiting LYIT Open Day you’ll get to look around the campus in person, check out the facilities, speak with experienced and informative lecturing staff, talk with current students about their student experience and visit student accommodation in the locality. There’ll be lots going on at this event including programme specific talks, interactive information sessions in each department, talks from SUSI grants and much, much more.
Everyone is welcome to attend. LYIT especially welcome mature and second chance learners. They are also very happy to accommodate visitors from outside Donegal, whether individually or in groups. Parents of prospective students are also welcome to attend.
To view LYIT’S Open Day Schedule or for more information visit: https://www.lyit.ie/News-Events/Article/lyit-open-day-2019
#lyitopenday19 #chooselyit #lyitconnections