Revenue is writing to 130,000 PAYE taxpayers who have paid tax but have not claimed any additional tax credits or reliefs in the last five years.
It is reminding them that there is a four-year time limit for claiming a refund of tax.
Revenue has issued letters over the last few years to assist taxpayers in claiming their due entitlements and ensuring they only pay the correct amount of tax.
Analysis of a previous campaign suggests that the letters have a significant positive effect on taxpayer engagement with Revenue.
Pat Murphy, National PAYE Manager in Revenue’s Personal Division, has timely advice for taxpayers.
“You can claim a refund of tax paid if there are entitlements you are due but have yet to claim,” he said.
“However, there is a four-year time limit for claiming tax refunds and the deadline for 2015 claims is December 31, 2019, so now is a good time to check that you have claimed all of your entitlements.”
For taxpayers who want to make a claim, the quickest, easiest and most convenient way to do so is online using PAYE Services, which is available in Revenue’s myAccount portal.
The services in myAccount are accessible on all mobile devices.
Mr Murphy said: “Even if you did not get a letter from Revenue, you can review and update your tax record online at any time, using PAYE Services in myAccount.
“When you submit a claim, it is processed and verified by Revenue and most online refund claims are paid within five working days.
“So, there is still plenty of time to submit your claim and have your refund paid into your bank account before Christmas.”