Essential IT – Get support, particularly farmers, with online form filling. Two places still remaining on our Tuesday evening course from 7pm to 10pm and running for a further 3 weeks. Cost is FREE. Contact the Centre to reserve your place.
Mevagh Craft Group – continue to meet every Thursday morning from 10:30am to 12:30pm in the Centre. Come along and share skills such as knitting, crochet, cross-stitch, sewing and quilting. New members are always welcome. Drop-in’s welcome. Cost €3.
Busy Bees – Parent, Baby and Toddler Group for babies to 5-year-olds – meet every Friday morning from 10:00am – 12:00 noon, so why not bring your little tots along for a morning of fun. Cost €3 per family. Busy Bees AGM will take place on Friday 8th November at 11.30am. New committee to be formed and planning activities, all welcome.
Additional needs support group – for parents of children with additional needs will have coffee morning on Wednesday 6th November at 10-11.30am. Contact Úna for more information.
Club Óige Mhíobhaigh / Mevagh Youth Club – are back on Thursday 7th November 7.30-9pm.
Study Club / Drop in starting on Friday 8th November 2-4pm. Get homework out of the way and have the weekend to yourself! Supervised, with snacks provided.
Other Notes:
Citizens Information: if you need help in accessing your social rights or entitlements call into Milford Public Services Centre or call 076 1075450. Assisting with grants, appeals, social welfare entitlements, health issues, housing grants, education & employment. No appointment necessary.