A Donegal resident has just won €915,000 on a Spanish lottery, or so she has been informed.
But she is not celebrating. Instead, she is warning people of the scam, which is aimed at people giving out their bank account and next of kin details
The money, the letter states, was deposited in the security company of Primitiva Lotería.
A Garda spokesperson warned the public to be vigilant for scams and to alert friends and family, including the elderly, of this type of activity.
They said: “We received the following message today from a lady who received a scam letter.
“This letter contained her full name and address and the request was made of her to provide her next of kin and bank details and she would be in the money.
“Thank you for letting us know about this scam as it is important for others to be aware that these scam artists try and obtain our personal details in this manner as well as by phone or text.
“Be aware and advise elderly neighbours and friends please.”