A meeting will take place this Wednesday 18th September to gain insights from the public on what should be in the Letterkenny Irish Language Plan.
Letterkenny is set to gain new investment to develop and deliver an Irish Language Plan as a Gaeltacht Services Town over the next seven years.
The plan will bring unique opportunities to the town and will be based on input from local businesses, community groups and individuals.
Líonra Leitir Ceanainn, the body appointed to draft the language plan, is hosting a public event on Wednesday 18th September at 7:00pm in Dillon’s Hotel Letterkenny to outline how the plan will support the learning and usage of the Irish language in Letterkenny.
There will be an opportunity for attendees to share their opinions about the language plan and to discuss what they would like to see included.
It is hoped that as many members of the community as possible will attend the event. There’s a space for everyone in the language plan, regardless of the level of fluency in Irish that you currently have.
There will be new opportunities for young people, for local businesses, for parents raising their children through Irish and for the entire community as a whole. The more input that the community has in the language plan, the better the language plan will be for the area.
If you’d like more information on the Irish language plan or about the public meeting, you can email us on lionralc@gmail.com or ursula@cinnteacht.ie. If you would prefer to call, you can contact 0044 2830 898 242.
Cruinniú Poiblí
Beidh cruinniú poiblí ar siúl in Óstán Dillon i Leitir Ceanainn Dé Chéadaoin an 18ú Meán Fómhair ag 7:00pm maidir le plean teanga Leitir Ceanainn.
Ag an chruinniú, roinnfidh Líonra Leitir Ceanainn eolas ar an phlean teanga, a chruthóidh deiseanna nua sa cheantar leis an Ghaeilge a fhoghlaim agus a úsáid. Beidh deis ann fosta dóibh siúd atá i láthair a gcuid tuairimí a roinnt linn maidir leis an phlean teanga agus cad a ba mhaith leo a fheiceáil istigh ann.
Ba mhaith linn cloisteáil ón oiread sin daoine agus is féidir. Tá spás ann do gach duine sa phlean teanga seo, is cuma cén cumas sa teanga atá acu. Beidh deiseanna nua ann do dhaoine óga, don lucht gnó, do thuismitheoirí atá ag tógáil clainne le Gaeilge agus don phobal trí chéile. An mó ionchur atá ag an phobal is fearr don phlean teanga sa cheantar.
Más maith leat tuilleadh eolais a fháil ar an phlean teanga nó ar an chruinniú poiblí seo, is féidir ríomhphost a chur chuig lionralc@gmail.com nó chuig ursula@cinnteacht.ie. Más fearr leat scairt a chur, déan teagmháil linn ar 0044 2830 898 242.