The Wednesday Open was played off on August 21 with Christian Harris (12.1) a worthy winner on the day with 36 pts. (bot).
Club notes:
He had a birdie on the 11th along with 6 pars. Runner up was Ciaran McCormick (away) 36 pts. (bot) and Gary Loveridge (11.7) was third.
On Saturday 24th there was a full timesheet for President’s Prize. A large number of people attended the Clubhouse later that evening for the presentations. Liam Sweeney (9.8) was the winner on the day with 40 pts. (bot) . Liam scored two birdies, on the 7th and the 11th and also got 10 pars.
Kevin Rafferty (4.3) was runner up. Charlie Coughlan (9.3) was third with 39 pts. (bot) and Keith Spence (11.6) was fourth. Darragh McMenamin (3.1) won Students Prize 40 pts.
Eamonn Carroll (16.7) won Past Presidents Prize with 36 pts. and Ed Margey (11.8) won Committee Prize with 35 pts.
Gross was won by Eamonn McGlinchey (5.7) with 35 pts. and Seniors was won by Pat McGrath (26.2) with 34 pts.
On Sunday 25/08/19 the Members Open was played, Ronan Daly (10.3) took in a winning score of 41 pts. Ronan had an eagle on the 7th and also scored 10 pars.
In second place was Brian O’Donnell (17.1) who scored 38 pts. and third was Kevin Roche (19.6) 37 pts. (bot). Gross was won by Kieran Sweeney (6.7) with 37 pts.
The Cat 4 Final Day /John G. Memorial Cup will now be played on 29th September. The Cat 4 competition on Mon. 26/08/19 was won by Louis Walsh with 20 pts. and Frank Carberry was second with 19 pts., it was over 11 holes due to fading light.
Upcoming Events :
On Saturday, August 31 we have the Zeus Industrial Wholesale Products (Ire) Open. On Sunday 1st September the Members Open will be played off and on Wednesday, September 4th the Harte Insurance Open will be played.
Harte Insurance are new Sponsors to our club and we are delighted to have their support.
Key to Photos :
Credit Union:- Winners of the Credit Union Open on 31/07/19 L/R – Hugh Doherty, Mat Dunne, Captain John Bowe, David McCormick & Kyle Loughrey winner with 45 pts.
BankHolOpen:- Winners of Bank Holiday Open on 05/08j/19 L/R – Eamon Carroll, Michael McCormick, Captain John Bowe, Ciaran Herron winner with 50 pts. & Eamonn McGlinchey.
McGinleyMotors:– Winner McGinley Motors Open on 07/08/19 L/R – Captain John Bowe & Kirk O’Donnell with 44 pts.
SundayMembersOpen:– Sunday Members Open 11/08/19 L/R – Captain John Bowe, David McGowan winner with 41 pts. and Vinny McLoughlin.
PresidentsPrize:- Presentation of President’s Prize on Saturday 24/08/19 L/R – Eileen O’Reilly, Winner President’s Prize Liam Sweeney & President Brian O’Reilly.