The students and staff of Mulroy College in Milford welcomed a special guest today as Minister of Education and Skills Joe Mc Hugh TD called in to join their results celebrations.
Mulroy College was a hive of excitement this morning with students achieving great success in both the Leaving Certificate Programme and the Leaving Certificate Applied Programme.
There were tears of joy and a real atmosphere of excitement and success with everyone.

Minister Joe McHugh with Principal Fiona Temple celebrating Leaving Cert Results day with students at Mulroy College

Leaving Cert Results day at Mulroy College

Minister Joe McHugh with Principal Fiona Temple celebrating Leaving Cert Results day with students at Mulroy College
Minister Mc Hugh spoke with students, parents and staff, congratulating them on their achievements and hearing from them exactly what it was like to go through the process of the Leaving Certificate.
Principal Ms Temple added: “It has been another very successful year for our students, they have achieved great results and will continue on their road in education. Many will join LYIT and enter into the various courses and great opportunities there, some will travel further but all will find a place and a pathway to lead them onto their next stage in life.
“We as a school are very proud of them and I as Principal am very proud of the staff that have lead them on this journey.
“We wish them all well and would also like to thank Minister Mc Hugh for taking time out of his very busy schedule to be with us here today.”
See all the photos from the memorable morning here: