Community and voluntary groups are being encouraged to apply for a share of a €1million funding package to support older people and dementia related initiatives.
An extra €1M in grant supports was announced this week as part of a joint initiative by Jim Daly, Minister for Older People and the HSE Services for Older People.
Under the scheme, a variety of grants will be made available to groups who support older people, family carers and significant others to stay well and remain connected with their local community. Approximately €250,000 of this funding will be dedicated to dementia related initiatives.
This funding is open to community and voluntary agencies that currently hold a Service Arrangement or Grant Aid agreement with the HSE, or, non-statutory agencies who aim to provide health and personal social services similar or ancillary to services that the HSE may provide.
It is envisaged that grants will range from €5,000 – €20,000.
The level of contribution under the fund will depend on a range of factors including the type of project, availability of other sources of funding, and the overall number of applications seeking funding under the Scheme.
The fund is in recognition of community and voluntary agencies who provide a wide range of services to support older people to continue living in their communities and maintain their social connections. These services, which contribute to positive ageing and better overall health, include befriending, day care, social centres, meals on wheels, etc.
The closing date for receipt of applications for the Community & Voluntary Support Grant is 15th August 2019 with funding allocated in August / September 2019.
Detailed information and application forms are available from the HSE Community Health Organisations or via the following link: