Dozens of Mini owners from across Ireland have paid a stunning tribute to the late rally driver Manus Kelly.
The owners of the iconic cars travelled across the country today to meet in Letterkenny.
From there they headed out in a cortege to the graveside of the Glenswilly man who was killed during the Donegal International Rally a week ago today.
The Mini owners stopped off at Conwal Graveyard and said a prayer at the graveside of Manus.
Donegal and the entire community continues to mourn the tragic loss of the 41-year-old father-of-five.
Thousands of people called to the home of Mr Kelly during his wake before his funeral on Thursday last.
A Garda investigation into the cause of the crash at Fanad is still underway.
Mr Kelly’s co-driver, Donal Barrett, thankfully escaped with minor injuries from the crash.
Pictures by kind permission of Brian McDaid.

Car enthusiasts for all over Ireland who make up The Irish Mini Owners club pictured parked at Conwal Cemetery where they stopped off on Sunday morning to pay their respects at the graveside of Manus Kelly. Photo Brian McDaid