Sinn Féin’s John Shéamuis Ó Fearraigh is the second councillor to be re-elected to Glenties LEA.
In 2014, Ó Fearraigh secured his seat on the ninth count with 1,864 votes.
Today he was elected after achieving 2,050 votes on the eighth count.
His surplus of 175 votes will now be redistributed before the final count for Glenties LEA.
There were exuberant scenes in the Highlands Hotel this evening when his election was announced, celebrating with colleagues Brian Carr, Marie Theresa Gallagher, and Pearse Doherty TD.

John Shéamuis Ó Fearraigh hugs SF colleagues Brian Carr and Marie Therese Gallagher. Photo by Elaine Mc Callig
It is yet to be announced how the final figures will look for Brian Carr and Marie Therese Gallagher.
Following the eighth count, here’s what the figures look like:
Brian Carr (SF) 1282
Marie Theresa Gallagher (SF) 1658
Michael Mc Clafferty (Fine Gael) 1721
Noreen McGarvey (FF) 1499
Anthony Molloy (FF) 1702
John Sheamuis Ó Fearraigh (SF) 2050
Quota: 1,875, Electorate: 23,165, Turnout: 12,851, Spoiled: 147, Valid: 12,704