Pupils of Glenmaquin National School had a special celebration recently to mark Europe Day on the 9th ofMay.
The children of the National School had a European Breakfast where they had food from different European countries. Pupils also dressed up in the colours of the flag of their chosen EU Country. Parents were asked to come along and they were also joined by special guest, MEP, Marian Harkin.
The children in the school recited a poem about Europe that they composed themselves and they also showcased the work they have completed on Europe as part of the Blue Star Programme.
Their work included artwork and projects on Vincent Van Gogh, making flag bunting of all the countries in the EU, learning French, fact files on Europe, poetry writing and History projects on WW2.
There was also a Question and Answer session with Ms Harkin to discover more about the EU and the role of an MEP. The children also presented the MEP with flowers and a book about the history of Glenmaquin National School which was written to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the school. It was a great morning enjoyed by all!