The Taoiseach Leo Varkadar has put Donegal homeowners affected by Mica on alert this afternoon that they could be asked to contribute towards repairing their homes.
Speaking in the Seanad on Thursday, Varkadar said that homes affected by Mica in Donegal would ‘be quite a bill’ and if paid there wouldn’t be room ‘to do other things’ in the country.
Representatives across the county have called on the government to bring the scheme forward without further delay.
“So anything that we do, whether it is assisting people whose homes are affected by Mica, whether it is assisting people who live in defective apartments buildings, we have to know the costs,” Varkadar said.
“We have to work out what contribution would come from the taxpayer and what would come from the owners of those homes themselves and we have to consider what other things, as a consequence that, we can’t do.”