Donegal county councillor Paul Canning has reiterated calls for measures to slow down traffic in two of Donegal’s border villages.
There are continuing concerns over road safety in Carrigans and Killea due to frequent accidents at several notorious blackspots.
Cllr Canning told the council this week that an accident occurs in Carrigans, “every month, in the same place, without fail” and asked for the council to take public concerns seriously.
He highlighted the latest incident this month, where a lorry was jacknifed, and said: “It’s a good job that nobody was there because it would have killed two or three people.”
“We have a situation if something is not done in Carrigans and Killea there is going to be a serious accident,” Cllr Canning warned.
He highlighted the success of the ramp system in Newtowncunningham and asked the Roads Department to install the same measures on both sides of Carrigans and Killea.
Cllr Gerry Crawford, who seconded Cllr Canning’s motion, sought a countywide policy to make it easier to deal with problem locations.
The motion was passed, while the council said they will “proactively monitor problematic locations” and they must strike a balance between physical measures such as chicanes or road humps/ramps and other measures.