Scoil Mhuire in Buncrana has been given the green light this week for emergency electrical works.
The announcement was made by Minister for Education Joe McHugh, who said it was “good news for another school in Donegal.”
The Minister for Education and Skills said: “Every week schools across the country are being given the green light for work to create extra space or solve an issue.
“And following approval by officials in the Department’s Building Unit Scoil Mhuire, St Oran’s Road, Buncrana can be added to that list for electrical works.”
Minister McHugh added that it was great news for the school and he looks forward to hearing and hopefully seeing the progress.
Fine Gael County Councillor Mickey Doherty said: “Another important project is getting the green light. That’s good for the school and good for local contractors and businesses.
“More than 20 emergency works projects have been approved by the Building Unit for schools in Donegal since the start of last year. I look forward to seeing work progress and hearing about more.”
Fine Gael candidate for Donegal County Council Michelle McKenna added: “This is great news for one of our Buncrana schools and I am delighted that Minister McHugh is in a position to make so many announcements for school building work in the country and across Donegal.”