Donegal County Council is calling for volunteers to take part in a walkability audit in Dungloe as part of the Donegal Age Friendly Programme. This walk will take place on Wednesday March 6 from 9.30am to 12.30pm.
“We need people of all ages and abilities, young people, older persons, people with disabilities, pregnant women, parents with toddlers and buggies, wheelchair users and visually impaired persons to help shape Dungloe to be Age-Friendly” explains Mairead Cranley Social Inclusion Co-ordinator with Donegal County Council.
“The Walkability Audit requires the leisurely group walk along a selected route of 1 to 3 km around the town, observing and recording all the good and bad elements of Dungloe from a walking viewpoint. Each group will have a leader who will record all comments and observations and we want volunteers to just walk, participate, comment and observe,” Ms Cranley said.
The walk will be starting and finishing at the Waterfront Hotel and refreshments will be provided afterwards.
Anyone interested in taking part should contact Mairead Cranley or Shaun Boyle on 074 91 53900 or email