Exciting times are on the horizon for students of the Royal and Prior Comprehensive School, Raphoe with the creation of a dedicated space for practical subjects.
The post-primary school has opened a new dedicated Technology Hub for students studying Construction Studies, Design & Communication Graphics (DCG) and Engineering at Leaving Certificate level, as well as those studying Metalwork, Technical Graphics and Woodwork at Junior Certificate level.
The Hub houses a state of the art DCG room and computer suite with associated drawing packages, a fully equipped Engineering room with subject-specific tools, machinery and materials as well as a dedicated theory and study room for woodwork and construction studies.
Mr Carr, Mr Stewart, Mr Gallagher and Mr Healy at the new Royal and Prior Technology Hub
Students currently studying one or more of the practical based subjects have commented they are already seeing the benefits of the Technology Hub.
With the subject rooms now housed together, students now feel they have their own area, with display areas dedicated to work produced from these classes.
The pupils’ work creates an aesthetically pleasing entrance to the hub, with all subject areas contributing. The quality of pupil work on display is further enhanced by content overlapping from one subject to another, enabling students to draw on learning from many different areas and classes, as well as the upskilling factor of using similar tools, processes and equipment.
Adding to the recent developments in the Technology Hub, the Engineering Department has been organising industrial visits to local companies for Junior Certificate students.
This experience is vital in showcasing local career opportunities for those studying any of the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) subjects.
Mr Stewart demonstrating on the lathe
On the 10th January a group of Royal and Prior Science and Engineering students attended the BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition in Dublin, where the most innovative and creative students from across the country display their projects to a national audience.
It is envisaged this visit will inspire the next generation of Royal and Prior STEM students to drive their own unique ideas onto this arena.
BTYSTE experience
BTYSTE Group with Mr Pearson and Mrs Finn
Engineering students with Micheal Martin TD and Mr Healy
Dr Howard Welch, Principal said: “STEM Education is vital because it affects every part of our lives. There is not one part of our lives which is not impacted by science.
“Technology is endlessly expanding. Engineering is the designs of roads and buildings but also leads the way in taking on the challenges of climate change. Mathematics is in all jobs and part of day to day lives. By students encountering and engaging with STEM they start to understand the present and will help mould the future.”
Carrickatane Wind Farm Group
Next up for the Technology Hub is Engineering Ireland Week, March 2nd – March 9th, where a host of Engineering and Creative Thinking workshops will be held in-house, added to further Industrial Visits and STEM Careers Fairs to mark the week.
5th Year Engineering group, with their Teacher Mr Michael Healy. The class designed and manufactured the new entrance sign to the Engineering workshop to coincide with the opening of the new Technology Hub.