Education Minister Joe McHugh recently met with a large turnout of local Special Needs Assistants to discuss the future of their place in the educational landscape.
The Fórsa Connaught/Ulster SNA Branch AGM in Donegal Town highlighted various challenges currently facing SNAs in Ireland.
Officer board of the regional branch of the SNA’s union Fórsa pictured with Minister for Education, Joe Mc Hugh T.D. who attended their AGM at the Central Hotel in Donegal Town. Included are: Frances Roberts, Niamh Jordan, Angela Gildea, Aliss Mc Carrell, Jenifer Bradly and Declan Kavanagh
The Branch, which represents approaching 2,000 members, discussed issues with the Minister including appropriate work, respect and the major issue of job fragmentation, meaning that many SNAs do not have the option to work full time.
A representative of the group said they were delighted to have Minister McHugh in attendance to hear their concerns. The members sought to show the commitment that SNAs in Fórsa have toward the continued improvement of the working conditions of all SNAs which, in turn, benefits the children they work with.
Sean Carabini, Asst General Secretary for Forsa
Minister for Education and Skills, Joe McHugh, addressed the meeting and expressed a willingness to make sure that SNAs are at the centre of any discussions about the future of their role. He also gave assurances that SNAs would have their say in respect of the NCSE’s proposals on the Comprehensive Review of the Special Needs Assistants Scheme.
Assistant General Secretary Seán Carabini told the minister that “SNAs stand ready to engage” in the conversation about their place in the educational landscape.
School Secretaries who supported the SNA’s at their regional AGM in Donegal Town pictured with education minister Joe Mc Hugh T.D. Included are Kathleen Ferry Letterkenny, Margaret Meehan, Inver , Susan O’Donnell Glenties , Maeve Gallagher Ardara Photo Brian McDaid
Bredge Mc Bride and Frances Roberts from Downings and Carrigart pictured with Minister for Education Joe Mc Hugh T.D. at the regional AGM in Donegal Town for SNA’s at the weekend.
Minister for Education Joe McHugh T.D. with Special Needs Assistants who attended the regional AGM which was held in the Central Hotel in Donegal Town at the weekend. Photo Brian McDaid.
Frances Roberts makes a presentation to the Minister for Education, Joe Mc Hugh T.D. who attended the regional AGM for SNA’s in Donegal Town. The piece was by local Artist Louise Flannigan. Photo Brian McDaid.
School Secretary who supported the SNA’s at their regional AGM in Donegal Town. Included are Eillse Mc Carrell, Margaret Meehan, Inver , Susan O Donnell Glenties Niamh Jordan Letterkenny Meave Gallagher Ardara and Kathleen Ferry Letterkenny Photo Brian Mc Daid.
Minister for Education Joe Mc Hugh T.D. and Niamh Jordan, Secretary of the Donegal Branch of the SNA’s Union Forsa pictured at the AGM in Donegal Town at the weekend. The minister and secretary first worked together when Joe was a teacher in Loreto Convent in Letterkenny. Photo Brian McDaid.