Donegal Minister Joe McHugh has announced more than €343,000 is to be spent on the development of trails and greenways in the county.
“Hundreds of thousands of euro are being pumped into three outdoor recreation projects in Donegal,” Minister McHugh said.
“It is brilliant news for Fanad, Glenties and the bigger plans for a greenway to run from Letterkenny to Burtonport.
“In total the Government is investing €343,660 to support the development of these big ideas woth the Great Arch Trail at Pollet, Fanad Head getting funding of €136,200; the Glenties Alter Trail being supported with €30,400; and investment of €177,060 on the Creeslough to Falcarragh stretch of the Letterkenny to Burtonport Greenway.
Mr McHugh, Minister for Education and Skills, said: “The money that’s being put into these big ideas in Donegal is to help with the development, enhancement and extension of the trails and greenways.
“It is also about this Government backing rural communities and doing more to develop the network of greenways in the north-west. They are hugely valuable from the point of view of tourism, leisure, health and recreation.”
The funding is being allocated to Co Donegal under the Department of Rural and Community Development’s Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme.
Minister McHugh said: “Minister Michael Ring and the Department have been at the forefront of supporting community projects and putting up the money to back ideas to support rural areas in the last couple of years.
“The success of these projects in Donegal has brought a whole new level to what the county offers communities and people coming to visit.”