The Tory Island social club is to get a vital safety upgrade using a new government funding allocation of almost €4,000.
The money was sanctioned for the Club Sóisialta, run by Comharchumann Thoraí, by the Department of Culture, Heritage and Gaeltacht.
Donegal Minister Joe McHugh has welcomed the grant and praised the island community initiative.
“The Club on Toraí is a real focal point on the island and it’s an important outlet for the islanders,” Minister McHugh said.
“I’m delighted to welcome the funding of up to €3,830 for the installation of emergency lights and fire alarms in the Club.
“It’s a really important meeting point. It’s somewhere for the island community to get together socially, right through the summer and the winter, as well as a welcome for visitors who’ve come to the island to learn Irish.
“It’s vital that the Government is able to help with the cost of ensuring safe and suitable facilities for the island community.
“Is áis thábhachtach an t-ionad agus an Club Sóisialta seo i rith an tsamhraidh nuair a bhíonn cúrsaí Gaeilge ar bun ann, agus nuair a bhíonn cuairteoirí ar an oileán.
“Tá sé rithábhachtach go mbeadh áiseanna sábháilte ar fáil do phobail na n-oileán, agus beidh an deontas seo ina cuidiú mhór don Chlub agus do mhuintir na n-oileán.”
The grant has been approved under Area for Action 2: The Gaeltacht, as part of the Action Plan for the Irish language 2018-2022.