A Supermac’s restaurant is still in the pipeline for Letterkenny after a revised planning application was recently submitted to Donegal County Council.
The Irish fast food franchise is hoping to bring its first outlet to Letterkenny following the successful launch of a complex in Donegal Town.
The proposed Letterkenny restaurant would be located at the Old Tinney’s coal yard on the Port Road, just off the Station Roundabout.
The takeaway chain’s parent company Atlantic Enterprises Ltd. applied to the council last year for the erection of a two-storey restaurant with a drive-thru.
The applicants were then asked by the council to make some changes to the plans and provide further information.
A number of objections were made to the application raising concerns including the traffic flow on the Port Road and the high number of food outlets already in the vicinity.
Supermac’s owners responded to the council’s FI requests on 23rd October with a revised site layout and building design which takes local town planning strategies into account.
Under the revised application, the restaurant is to be moved to align with the Port Road to ‘enhance the streetscape’ of the arterial route into Letterkenny.
The scale, form and design of the proposed building are changed to conform to the surrounding area and to commit to using natural and locally-sourced materials.
Revised Supermac’s Building Design by Corbwell Design
The council requested that the number of car parking spaces be reduced and designated HGV and Coach spaces removed. This was complied with and a Road Safety Audit was carried out which the company said helped form the basis of the new site layout.
Extra green space has been added to the site plans and clear pedestrian links are introduced to adjoin with nearby areas including the bus station.
A decision on the revised application is due from the council next Monday, 19th November.
The restaurant could bring significant job creation to the town, with over 80 estimated jobs being created during the construction phase and 25 more permanent roles once opened.
The Donegal Town Supermac’s branch was the 116th outlet to open in Ireland. Sixty jobs were created at the restaurant, which was officially opened at Drumlonagher last week.