Newly-skilled apprentices from Donegal, Sligo, Leitrim and Mayo celebrated their graduation last week at the Presentation of Advanced Certificate Craft Certs in Sligo.
The event was co-hosted by SOLAS, Donegal ETB and Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim ETB.
Speaking at the presentation, Tony McLoughlin TD, Sligo-Leitrim, spoke of the high quality of the Irish apprenticeship system, the growing demand for people with vocational skills and how the Irish apprenticeship programme has proven hugely successful in developing highly skilled workers like those receiving the Advanced Certificate today.
Mr McLaughlin said: “The skills learned through an apprenticeship are invaluable and offer real job opportunities…. Businesses need people with strong practical skills and apprenticeship and vocational training are key to delivering these.”

Donegal ETB Apprentices who were at the Presentations of Advanced Certificate Craft Certs in Sligo last week. Seated from left are Shane Callaghan, Construction Plant Fitter, Donegal County Council
Adam Voss, Electrician, Ferm Engineering, Donegal Town
Ryan McCleary, Electrician, McCleary Electrical Services, Rathmullan
Jason Gallagher, Motor Mechanic, Kelly’s Sales & Services (Donegal) Ltd., Letterkenny. Back from left are Colm Richardson, Acting Assistant Manager, Donegal ETB, Tom Grady CE MSLETB, Mary Liz Trant, Executive Director Skills Development SOLAS, Tony McLoughlin TD, Vinny Mc Groary, Area Training Manager, Donegal ETB. Photo Clive Wasson
Mary-Liz Trant, Executive Director for Skills Development, SOLAS, spoke of the Apprenticeship programme and drew particular attention to the calibre of the Irish Apprenticeship system which is recognised nationally and internationally.
Ms Trant said: “You have completed a comprehensive Apprenticeship that is recognised at home and abroad as one of the best in the world. An example of the standards achieved by apprentices during their apprenticeship is the success obtained by the Irish Team at successive World Skills Competitions. This is a remarkable achievement and it proves beyond doubt that our Apprenticeship system and our Apprentices are among the best in the world”.
At the most recent World Skills Competition held in October 2017 in Abu Dhabi, seven Medallions of Excellence were achieved by the team of 14 young apprentices, trainees and students who represented Ireland.
The Advanced Certificate Craft is at Level 6 of the National Framework of Qualifications and is an internationally recognised qualification.
Representing the Education and Training Boards, Tom Grady, CE, Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim ETB, said “As ETBs we are delighted to be part of the Advanced Certificate Craft Presentation which, in an economy demanding high skill levels, innovation and problem solving skills, will open many opportunities for those who achieve this qualification”.

Sligo, Leitrim and Mayo ETB Apprentices who were at the Presentations of Advanced Certificate Craft Certs in Sligo last week with seated Sean Burke, Area Training Manager, Mary Liz Trant, Executive Director Skills Development SOLAS, Tony McLoughlin TD, Tom Grady CE MSLETB, Pat King, King & Moffatt. Photo Clive Wasson
As Ireland’s economy continues to recover and businesses expand, there is a growing demand for people with vocational skills.
Businesses need people with strong practical skills and apprenticeship is one key to delivering this. The Irish Apprenticeship system has proven highly successful in developing highly skilled workers like those receiving the Advanced Certificate Craft today.
Sixteen new statutory apprenticeships have now been launched in sectors such as auctioneering and property services, finance, biopharma and ICT. In addition, over 36 apprenticeships are in development across a range of sectors.
Alongside this, there has been an increase in the number of new apprentices being registered across all of the current trades.
Concluding the ceremony, Mary-Liz Trant congratulated the apprentices who received their Advanced Certificates Craft on their achievement of being recognised as highly skilled craftspeople and wished them every success in their careers.