Minister Joe McHugh has secured a commitment that An Post will consider business cases for transferring post office services to a retailer in any area where postmasters or postmistresses have taken voluntary retirement.
Up to 17 post offices across Donegal are due to be closed before the end of the year.
But An Post has now committed to speaking with local business owners who may want to continue the service locally.
Minister McHugh said: “I understand community concerns about the future of post office services but I want to reassure people that where other business people and retailers express an interest in retaining a post office and an interest in taking over the service then An Post are willing to talk with them.
“I have raised concerns about closures with Government colleagues and I would like to thank Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment Denis Naughten for taking the issues raised in Donegal on board.
“I have been assured by him that An Post will definitely speak to any retailer, newsagent, shop owner or any other business person in any of the locations affected by post office closures to discuss the possibility of taking over a viable operation.”
Mr McHugh, Government Chief Whip and Minister for the Irish language, Gaeltacht and the Islands, said there is still a chance to save post offices in certain areas.
“The message I want to deliver is that An Post is willing to talk to any business that thinks they can make a go of a post office service and to any business that believes they can make a solid, viable case for the service to be transferred.”