Primary and Secondary schools across County Donegal are being urged this Autumn to embrace the ‘Amber Flag’ initiative for Pieta House, a nationwide suicide prevention charity.
In order to be awarded the Pieta House Amber Flag, schools and other applicant groups must host a mental health awareness event, a fundraiser, and a mental health initiative.
The Amber Flag is in its 5th year and over 450 flags have been awarded to date. Once a school is awarded the flag it is placed in a prominent position outside the school flying at full mast acknowledging the great achievement.
CEO of Pieta House, Brian Higgins clarified that “Our vision at Pieta House is a world where suicide, self-harm, and stigma have been replaced by hope, self-care, and acceptance. Challenging stigma is critical to us as an organisation.
“Stigma is frequently what brings people to the doors of Pieta House, often adding to stresses on youth mental health. If we support schools and groups to create a stronger and more resilient environment, then we can build stronger and more resilient people.”
If your school or group is interested in getting involved or want more information on the initiative contact