Back towards early May many of you joined me in applying MoBactor to our lawns to reduce the moss (you can jog your memory here with a look back at the original feature here).
The lawns have certainly been made to work this year with the incredibly dry summer, added with the increase of wear and tear from all them days the kids spent playing outside. So now is the time to follow up this MoBactor treatment with an application of the Viano Greencomfort Recovery.
Firstly, however, can I stress the importance of cutting the lawn regularly. You need to cut your lawn little and often, so AT LEAST once a week during the high growth periods. Balding the lawn every few weeks is not the answer!
GreenComfort is the ideal follow on from the MoBactor as it helps to fill in any bare patches – so any bare spots in the lawn get filled in with grass…instead of weeds and returning moss. This organic based fertiliser will further enrich the grass from now till early November with the added Magnesium helping to improve the colour of the lawn, giving it a nice dark green colour.
However what excites me, and will do your grass the power of good, is the addition of a key ingredient called ‘Humifirst’. Humifirst is an added ingredient which is really exciting, and one which has many different roles and benefits to your soil and your overall garden health.
Humifirst is derived from a type of coal, called Leonardite, and is high in Fulvic and Humic acid. This is the acids which are produced at the very end of the breakdown of organic matter and warm casts so basically very, very, very, very dead stuff. By adding this to your soil you’re shortcutting the plant decomposition process and adding the good stuff to the soil right away.
Soils which are high in Fulvic and Humic acid grow plants with better & stronger root systems, have plants with increased resistance to drought, have plants which better absorb nutrients from the soil and have plants which have a more even growth pattern.
In the lawn the challenge can be adding well-composted manures and green waste regularly enough to get this result, this is where the Humifirst product comes in. So not only will the grass absorb the fertility contained in the GreenComfort but the grass will also absorb more of the fertility found in your soil and will be able to absorb more of it as its root system will be bigger.
In addition to all this good stuff, the Humifirst will also improve the structure of your soil and leave your soil in a position to absorb and retain more nutrients in the future by increasing a technical thing called the Cation Exchange Capacity of the soil…thus giving you better grass, thicker grass, less surface compaction and in turn less moss moving forward!
The answer to the most coming question I get on lawns: Yes, you should be cutting the grass and leaving the clipping behind on it.