A group of young people from Donegal Youth Service’s BreakOut project have enjoyed a trip to Dublin for important events for Pride 2018.
The group attended the launch of the National LGBTI+ Youth Strategy on Friday – the first of its kind in the world. Saturday saw the group enjoying a special breakfast with other member youth services, hosted by Youth Work Ireland and BelongTo before joining the Dublin Pride celebrations.
BreakOut Group at the National LGBTI+ Youth Strategy
BreakOut Project Coordinator Sinead Murray said “Pride was fantastic. It was great for the young people to witness such celebrations. It also has to be remembered that pride first and foremost is a protest and secondly a celebration.
“The young people witnessed speeches from people who started the gay liberation movement in Ireland, such as Senator David Norris and Dr. Mary McAleese, this enlightened them to recognise the struggles that people before them went through to enable them to grow up in the Ireland that we have today.”
Tens of thousands of people attended the Pride celebrations again this year. making Pride the second biggest festival in Ireland after St. Patrick’s Day. Businesses and organisations from around the country took part in the parade, sending a clear message of acceptance, and support to LGBTI+ youth.
BreakOut at Dublin Pride 2018
BreakOut welcome the historic National LGBTI+ Youth Strategy. It is a three-year action-oriented Strategy and its Mission is to ensure that all LGBTI+ young people are visible, valued and included.
The Strategy revolves around three main goals:
- Goal 1: Create a Safe, Supportive and Inclusive Environment for LGBTI+ young people
- Goal 2: Improve the Mental, Physical and Sexual Health and Wellbeing of the Entire LGBTI+ Community
- Goal 3: Develop the Research and Data Environment to Better Understand the Lives of LGBTI+ Young People
BreakOut is a project for young LGBTI people, LGBTI Allies and young people that believe in social justice aged 12-30, and is operated by Donegal Youth Service. Currently there are groups meeting up regularly in Letterkenny, Ballybofey, Glenties and Moville offering information, training, one-to-one support and guaranteed craic.
If you would like to come along and see what it’s all about contact Sinead Murray on 074 91 29630/086 124 7968, pop in to 16-18 Port Road, or find BreakOut on Facebook.