Rosses Community School had the pleasure of inviting over fifty professionals from businesses, entrepreneurs, professionals from a variety of careers across the North West of Donegal to their Careers Fair on May 22nd. Exhibitors from the Higher Education sector, Industry, State Organisations and the Voluntary sector also attended.
This annual event is aimed at TY and 5th year students and provides a platform within the school for students to meet with colleges, training bodies, and local businesses on a variety of courses and apprenticeships.
In attendance were representatives from Universities, Institutes of technology, Donegal Education Training board, SOLAS, colleges of Further Education. Representatives from the Defence Forces and An Garda Siochana were also in attendance.
Among the guests were Lottie Dolls owner Ian Harkin, Donegal star Karl Lacey and Nollaig Brolly, Project manager of the Optum scholarship. Guests spoke to students about their own personal career path to date, and advised students that the key to personal and career success is to pursue what you’re passionate about, to not to be afraid of change and to go forward without fear.
The event was introduced by the principal Mr John Gorman in Q & A forum. Those in attendance highlighted their career path and personal journeys in their pathway to success. This was followed by the students attending one to one group sessions with various individuals and organisations to discuss their future career options.
It was highlighted throughout the day that Donegal is very much “open for business” and that there are good employment opportunities close to home for students when they finish school and Further Education. One of the event organisers and the school Guidance Counsellor Helena Cunningham said that ‘this is a unique opportunity for students in Dungloe and the surrounding areas to meet with successful employers and find out about employment opportunities available to them”. This event was coordinated by the Guidance department with the help of a committee of teachers and SNAs.
There were talks on the day by a wide selection of professionals ranging from the key areas of Medicine, Business and Engineering. One area which was highlighted throughout the day was the ever increasing number of new apprenticeships now available to students. This ‘earn and learn’ vocational model consists of ‘on the job training’ and ‘academic study’ which is becoming increasingly popular with young adults rather than the traditional college degree course.
The school also had the pleasure of welcoming back some past pupils for this event, to tell their story of their personal journey and career paths.
Rosses Community would like to take this opportunity to thank all the guests that attended the careers day; as well as the staff and students for their help and cooperation throughout the day.
Check out photos from the day below, with more on the Rosses Community School Facebook Page